Monday, 4 October 2010

My First Ripe Pumpkin


  1. Are you going to make yummy Pumpkin Soup.......
    Julie xxxx

  2. well done Jayne I have to confess I buy mine!!!
    spicy parsnip soup, yum yum.
    T X

  3. Well done - I've tried to grow them before but the slugs often win :(

    The big question - what happens next? Soup or a lantern?

  4. wow I love pumpkins and I have been eyeing some big ones up outside the greengrocers .I cant wait for pumpkin pie!
    I have one in the yard but it is still growing so I have not the heart to cut it and bring it inside yet its about the size of a grapefruit so I am hoping it will get a bit bigger yours looks really big I certainly have pumpkin envy now xx

  5. Well done! Sadly I'm a non-gardener and totally in awe of all people who are actually able to grow things in spite of bugs, wrong sort of soil, lack of green fingers etc! Like Vintage Vicki I'm intrigued - soup or lantern?
